Custom Tooling Articles
Facts About RIM Molding and Tooling
RIM (Reaction Injection molding) Tooling is often thought of a “cheap” or lower quality process. This couldn’t be further from the truth. RIM tooling is a lower cost alternative both in process and tooling over many other processes. RIM tooling like any other process has distinct advantages dependent on annul part volumes and part geometry.
Custom Medical RIM Tooling
Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) is a low cost tooling process to achieve Polyurethane and Urethane plastic parts.
RIM molds can be used to make intricate designs with Class A surfaces. RIM Tooling is lower in cost than other plastic manufacturing methods. The wide variation of applications is why manufactures cannot ignore the potential of RIM Tooling.
Custom Green Product RIM Tooling
Multiple manufacturing methods can be used to create green products. Unfortunately, most manufacturing processes ironically are resource intensive while creating environmentally friendly products.
RIM Tooling uses significantly less resources than other manufacturing processes. Because RIM consumes less resources to create products, it is considered one of the more “Green” manufacturing methods.
Even if your project is not a Green Product your bottom line can benefit from the cost saving RIM Tooling provides by consuming less energy and resources.
In-Mold Grain vs Vacuum Wrapping
VMW designs and builds a wide array of custom vacuum form molds throughout the world for our tier 1 and tier 2 customer base. Each mold is engineered to provide the best possible grain definition dependent on existing customer capital equipment that is to be used while taking into account which process the current part geometry for the specific project may dictate.
RIM Solar Product Tooling
RIM (Reaction Injection Molding) Tooling is a natural fit for the increased demand for more environmentally friendly products. RIM is at the forefront of this green energy material resource. There are numerous products that are currently produced using RIM tooling and production methods that have saved other natural resources from being depleted. The green energy sector is also one of the fasted growing energy markets from a global perspective.