5 Axis CNC Machining
VMW has improved its productivity with high speed 5 axis CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining capability. In doing so, VMW offers customers state of the art technology in both CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software and high speed machining centers for maximum efficiencies.
Why 5 Axis Machining
5 axis CNC machining technology offers increased cutting speed, reduced tool setup time and increased quality over 3 axis machining. This is because 5 axis machining uses two additional rotational axes that travel over the main three axes: X, Y and Z.
The two additional movements are known as the B and C axis which rotate around the three main axes. This eliminates machining hours and allows us the ability to CNC machine 5 sides of a mold or a part without having to change set ups.
VMW has added 2 Haas CNC and 1 Milltronics CNC high speed 5 axis machines to its arsenal of CNC machining assets in the 1st quarter of this year. These three additional machines have greatly enhanced our ability for more throughput and allows VMW to counter the ever decreasing lead times that are indicative of today’s economy. Each of our new machines is equipped with automated tool changers, high spindle RPM capability and have some of the fastest inch per minute travel rates obtainable.
When choosing a 5 axis CNC machining / mold making partner, it is important to evaluate machining assets, CAM strengths, dimensional tolerances and certainly the competence level of the subject vendor. With this being said it is easy to see why VMW has been an industry leader in 5 axis machining for many years and is a very competent source when evaluating these key items. We specialize in precision 5 axis machining of complex and very tight tolerance parts and molds.
High Speed Machining Assets
VMW has several high speed 5 axis CNC machining centers. Our assets include Deckel Maho (DMG), Haas and Miltronics style machines that offer 40,000 spindle RPM speeds and the fastest rate of travel obtainable.
The high speeds of our CNC machines allows for the most efficient machining possible for our customers projects. Efficient machining gives VMV the ability to hold even the tightest dimensional tolerances on both steel and aluminum 5 axis machining.
VMV’s high speed CNC machining centers have the ability to create large 5 axis machining projects for RIM Tooling and Large Injection Mold Tooling a success.
CAM Software
VMV has added Cimatron CAM software which allows both speed and efficiency for stock removal on 5 axis machining projects. All of the VMV engineers that write CAM programs are journeyman mold makers which adds another key dimension to our ability to rapidly remove stock and hold the tightest tolerances that are needed on the 5 axis machining and mold projects that VMV designs and builds throughout the year.
Industries Served
VMV has served the following industries with successful 5 axis machining project launches for over 10 years:
- Soft trim mold machining for virtually any urethane or VAC form automotive product mold
RIM & RTM molds
- Glass encapsulation molds in both RIM and PVC
- Injection mold machining in both steel and aluminum
- Interior component molds
- Outer panel assemblies
- Specialty products
- RIM enclosures
Heavy Truck
- Soft trim mold machining and VAC form product molds
Green Energy Products
- Urethane roofing products
- Green energy windmill component molds
Consumer Products
- Recreational products
- Shower and bath product molds
These market segments served allow for a diverse product range in the 5 axis machining arena. VMV’s capability and proven track record add credence to sustainability and presence in these markets served as well as promotes a well rounded knowledgeable engineering staff that is competent in holding dimensional tolerances while maximizing efficiencies with the VMV machining assets.
Bring us your 5 axis machining project whether it is a component 5 axis machining or a 5 axis machined mold and you can rest assured that the knowledgeable VMV engineering staff and mold makers will insure your project is successful.